Clarity is launching to the wider market (not just Investec Private Bank account holders) in a phased and segmented approach.
You may now sign up for Clarity if you meet the following criteria:
You are over the age of 18 years old
You have a valid SA ID number
You were born in South Africa, are a South African Citizen, live in South Africa and are employed in South Africa.
If you meet the above criteria, but do not bank with Investec, please follow the below steps:
Visit our sign-up page
When asked if you are an Investec Private Banking client, Select "No"
Follow the question screens and provide the required detail. We need this detail for FICA and Security purposes. Please note the following detail is required in order to complete the sign-up process - please check the following list and have the necessary information on hand. Below is the process you will follow to sign up:
Input your ID Number and email address
Input your personal details
You will be sent a verification link to your email address, which will direct you back to the sign in page
Input your email and password
You will be sent an OTP to your mobile to log in to the platform
Take a selfie (Using your computer or your phone)
Confirm your personal information is captured correctly, and complete information where/if required.
Input address information and upload proof of address in the format of .jpeg ; .png ; .pdf with a maximum size limit of 5MB. (A list of acceptable forms is provided using the tooltip on the screen)
Input your employment information
Input your tax information β your tax number is required at this point.
Answer the product related questions.
You may leave your application at any point and return to it later.
If you have any questions during sign up, please see detailed help articles here.
Once your Clarity application has been approved, you can log in, fund your account and start trading! See the article "How do I fund my accounts to trade"